Hi, I’m Courtney McEunn

Courtney McEunn is a writer born in Florida & raised in southwest Oklahoma. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at Oklahoma State University.

Courtney graduated from Cameron University in 2023, receiving her B.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in Journalism & Media Production. She is now studying Creative Writing with an emphasis in Fiction. She works as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the English Department and an Assistant Director in the Writing Center at Oklahoma State.

Courtney is a proud Alpha Phi alum. She currently lives in Stillwater, Oklahoma, with her beloved partner and their precious fur baby, Skye. Her work has been published in The Gold Mine, Route 7 Review, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, Gabby & Min’s Literary Review, and forthcoming in 10 by 10 Flash Fiction Stories and Red Rock Review.

Photo: Alexis Laqua


2023: Finalist for the John G. Morris Poetry Prize

2023: Honorable Mention for the Leigh Holmes Creative Nonfiction Contest

Special moments

Oklahoma State University

Cowboy Family

First Bid Day - Fall 2020

Last Bid Day - Fall 2023

Big’s Senior Ceremony

OK State vs. K. State Football

Cameron University - Alpha Phi

Last Bedlam: OU vs OSU Football

Leadership Conference 2023